Whats good :)
It's been almost a month since MARIA cd was released. The first 1000 was done in less than a week and we're gonna print another 1000 :) I would like to thank everybody who got a copy and purchased more than just one to help spread the song. Words cant explain how much you guys and girls mean to me. The song wouldnt have been a success if it wasnt for yall. Yeah, you.
The song's getting fair airplay in THR Raaga, thank you goes out to Mr. Ramesh and Ms. Sumathi for making it happen. It feels great knowing people enjoy the song and bump it loud in their cars and laptop and ipods and such. And all the people who been calling and voting for the song, mad love goes out to you.
I LOVE Macha Magic tees are almost done too. Gotta reprint it in different colour schemes. Any suggestions? Holla at your boy. I really dont know whether i should keep the same colours or flip them up in pink and red :
The shows been great. The launch was planned in two days but having 300 people turning up on a wednesday night is awesome. Bomb shelter was like walking down memory lane. Seeing so many friends and looks like we'll have walked a long road. Big shoutout to Rogue Squadron and EGOtv. Good seeing you folks.
Havent blogged in a while. Sorry for the late updates but just wanna give a BIG SHOUTOUT to everybody who supported this macha. Speak soon. YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE.
And haters, keep talking that thrash. Sky is the limit.