Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Journal * 30 - Happy 2010 and it's a wrap

Its been a great year. No joke cause i always wished i did more when i reach this part of every year but 2009, it's a great run. Felt like jogging on my victory lap.

But i got miles to go before the finish line.

The beginning of 2009 was absolutely cloudy cause i really didn't know what was in store. I just stopped working and felt like i was better off working for myself and for people who believed in me. Recorded 'Maria', 'Alone' and 'Take Your Time' under D'navigator guidance which helped me see beyond my potential. Elvira's Simple Love and Kementerian Belia's Satu Suara was a bonus, i would say. I could finally stand on my own and feel comfortable about it. I answered to myself and nobody else had the balls to boss me around. Respect was found and Macha magic was discovered.

But i got miles to go before the finish line.

New friends, new partners, new clubs, new structure of business and etc. Everything felt new cause the outlook was clearer compared to the early cloudy 09. By the middle of the year, many blueprint was designed for success and patience was one of the key element. Without it, you're just meant to fail. Timing for Maria CD release came unprepared but the outcome was as expected. The track brought the home more loyal supporters and thankful hiphop heads. Haters were there but they didnt know the fam was aware :)

But we still had miles to go before the finish line.

It's almost the end of the beautiful year and loads of unforgettable memories for the diary. Gotta thank each and everyone who made a difference and helped me believe, SKY'S THE LIMIT.

I'll see yall next year. HAPPY 2010 and have a great one. Blessings from me and the whole family.

Peace, One.

p/s- I still got miles to go before the finish line but i know i be there :)

DECEMBER in Rear-View

Prem Peachy, Kashmir, Navigator

Raj Stevie, Mastermind Def, Kashmir Speech

Kashmir and Macha Magics @ Bukit Jalil

Backstage with B'Squarez and Macha Magics

Salute, Kashmir and Rabbit Mac.

The 'MARIA' remix All-Stars

The Don Dada and Kid Kudi

Rock vs Hiphop Showcase with Diwan, Rabbit, Rahjula, Mastermind & Magen

Island Talk and I-AM-MUSIC at Aatam 100 Vagai Finals

Harmini and Kashmir.
Check the bling, yo.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Journal * 29 - Balan Kashmir on JUICEonline

My man, Kevin Yeoh picked the CD from me early last month. I just realized he blogged about it on JuiceOnline. Good looking out, champ.

Check it out HERE

Journal * 28 - The wind from the past

What's good, world.

I was talking to a friend who i haven't spoken in years. To be honest, both of us have our own history and as we spoke without releasing time was flying, we realized something. We both like the same Indonesian rock song. After all these years, GOD.

I got loads of Malay friends since young and they always ask me 'why this song?' but i could never answer them. Never knew why but there's something about this ballad. She never understood it as well.

Hey YOU, you deserve nothing but the best. Don't you ever forget that. God bless.

Good night, world.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Journal 27 * Gone till December

Kughan & Sheena Wedding Dinner

The beautiful couple dancing to our version of 'Wonderful Tonight'

Alex and Balan Kashmir freestyling with their weapon of choice

Keeping it YINDIAN at the wedding dinner afterparty

Balan Kashmir onstage with G'z Anand of B-Squarez

The playboy DJ Mastermind :)

Bomb Shelter @ Cloth and Clef

Balan Kashmir & DJ Mastermind

Kondattam time with Jin Hackman

Teaching Jon how to do the 'Dappa' dance

Bombing the shelter

ALC Charity Night

B-boy stance with DJ Mastermind's mum

The Macha Magics Familia

Journal 26 * Maria CD Launch

Helo Bali Sunway

Back for the first time on stage

Balan Kashmir kicking start the launch.

Balan Kashmir introducing Joanna, the girl on the cover of MARIA cd

Phillyroca, Vixx Jam, Kraft, DJ Joe and the Ladies

With family of Macha Magics, Kraft and MC Rishi

Champagne Dreams part one with Dhanush Primitive

The familia

Doing the 'Dappa' dance. True macha magic

The Boss Ladiez

Champagne Dream part 2 with Shyam

Just wanna thank everybody who came out that night.

Sky's the limit